Treatment For Yourself
- We’re Here for Your Recovery!
Addiction is all-consuming and it takes tremendous courage to seek treatment. After making this admirable decision, choosing the correct treatment facility can feel overwhelming. Our addiction treatment program at Recovery in Motion focuses on mental and physical health assessments, progress-based length of stay, and treatment modalities that are chosen to promote long-term sobriety and recovery. Our program treats the trauma at the root of your addiction so that we can treat more than the symptoms of your substance abuse. We will help you manage your cravings and build a foundation for a fulfilling life after treatment.

What to Expect During Treatment
The first step when you walk through the doors is going through the intake process with our intake team. We’ll ask a series of questions and establish where you need to start with care. You’ll go through mental and physical health assessments so that we can establish any co-occurring disorders and treat substance use and mental health concurrently.
You’re then placed in one-on-one and group therapy sessions so you can begin the recovery process. You will be working with a therapist and case worker each week and you will be given the tools to help with therapy and a discharge plan that includes finding housing at the end of treatment if needed. We have employers who hire all graduates from our a 90 day treatment will have a job. Recovery is not easy but it’s the most worthwhile endeavor you can take on.
Addiction is a Disease
Substance abuse disorders are classified as a disease. Licensed nurses and therapists provide medical assessments to identify co-occurring disorders like PTSD to properly treat substance dependence and mental illness together. Comprehensive care is needed for long-term success in sobriety.
Addiction is difficult to understand if you have not experienced it. There is still a stigma around addiction and many friends and family members don’t understand why their loved one doesn’t just stop using. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Addiction is a mental illness and disease that affects behavior and decision-making.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine describes addiction as chronic, but treatable. It’s a disease, “involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.” People can become addicted to substances, medications, behaviors, and more.
According to the American Psychiatric Association, substances react to specific brain receptors and distort thinking, behavior, and body functions. Despite independent studies and consensus from doctors of many disciplines, the false perception persists that people who suffer from substance use disorder are weak and lazy.
At Recovery in Motion, we aim to counter this stigma in each individual that comes to us for treatment and in educating their family and friends about the truth of addiction. It is not a moral failing, it’s a disease that is treatable but requires a life-long commitment to recovery.
Addiction is a Disease that Affects the Whole Family
Every member of the family is affected when one person suffers from addiction. It is genetic and if left untreated, it creates a vicious cycle that’s carried through generations. Treatment and family therapy can stop the cycle but it’s important that the entire family commits to healing.
It’s possible for children to be affected by addiction even if there was no previous family history. For example, if a step-parent with substance use problems joins the family, it can create a cycle of addiction that is triggered by child abuse, lack of self-esteem, and subdued social development. It’s just as important for this person and their family to fully commit to therapy and stop the cycle before it starts.
It’s never too late to seek treatment and live a full life in recovery. Contact us today to start healing.
Do I have to leave my job to go through treatment?
Your time in treatment does not have to disrupt your work life. Treatment at Recovery in Motion is kept confidential using the Family and Medical Leave Act to ensure that you will be able to return to your job once your treatment needs have been met. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was established to provide employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year with health benefits.
Your information is kept confidential and was designed to help employees balance work and family responsibilities without losing their jobs. FMLA applies to all public and private elementary and secondary schools, and companies with 50 or more employees. The only people who need to know the reason for your FMLA request are your HR Directors, your doctors, and yourself. When you request FMLA leave for a medical treatment or procedure, your rights to keep your medical records confidential is protected by HIPAA laws.
Like with any official documentation, the process can be complicated. Contact us for more information about the process for seeking FMLA medical leave.
- Our Unique Approach to Recovery
What makes Recovery In Motion different from other substance abuse treatment facilities is our commitment to treating the trauma that feeds addictions and the mental health issues that accompany substance use. Our staff has extended training and experience in substance abuse treatment and dual diagnosis. Our therapists must be up to date on their licensure and well-versed in trauma response therapy and mental illness. Our nurses and physicians must have completed their medical certifications and are up to date on proper COVID-19 procedures and protocols.
We are focused on healing the family dynamic and stopping the cycle of generational trauma and addiction. This is just as important as healing the recovering addict. We provide your family with counseling sessions and educational family day weekends to ensure you return to a family environment that encourages your long-lasting sobriety and life-long recovery.