Loving an Addict: 6 Thoughtful Ways to Show Recovery Support
Loving an addict becomes a lot easier when they decide to go through rehab. While recovery doesn’t fix all the pain that he or she may have caused you in the past, it is a step in the right direction. It shows that they’re not going to continue to let drugs wreck their life and […]
Understanding the Role of 12-Step Programs in Overcoming Addiction
If someone you love or you yourself are one of the 10% of adults dealing with addiction, it’s likely that you know about the existence of a 12-step program. The 12 steps are a serious aspect of a persons recovery from addiction regardless of the type of addiction one is dealing with. These programs have […]
Understanding Risk Factors for Addiction: A Guide for Parents
More than 80 percent of American people view drug abuse as a serious issue in the area that they live. Many fail to see the reality of the devasting issue surrounding drugs in our society today. The prevalence of drug abuse is only increasing and putting more teens and young adults at risk. For many […]
Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal: What to Expect and How to Cope
There are nearly 1 million Americans who are using heroin each year. Additionally, there are numerous more addicts who do not report their use of drugs. Due to the degree of the heroin problem that is damaging communities in the United States as well as other countries, there’s a great chance that you already know someone […]
Not What the Doctor Ordered: 8 Common Prescription Drugs That Can Be Addictive
Each year, more than 15 million American citizens are abusing prescription drugs. Often addiction and substance abuse are perceived as hard street, illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Yet, realistically, prescription drugs get abused much more than illicit substances. And millions of people in the U.S. are now dealing with addiction to a medication […]
Married to an Addict in Recovery? Tips for a Sober Spouse
Being married to someone in recovery from addiction can in unpredictable ways alter the dynamics of your relationship. You may feel elated that your spouse is no longer using their preferred substance of abuse but may also feel bitter about the missed moments, the stress you have experienced as well as the future of your […]
9 Serious Signs of Marijuana Addiction That You Need to Be Aware of
Approximately 52% of American adults have reported smoking marijuana at least one time. That adds up to nearly 162 million people in the U.S. There are many reasons why marijuana has become such a popular substance such as availability, positive publicity, perceived safety and much more. Due to all of the great things marijuana has going in its favor, […]
How Long Does Rehab Take? A Timeline for Drug Addiction Recovery
Regardless of the drugs, you have an addiction to, substance use is putting you at serious risk. Last year in the U.S., approximately 72,000 people died as a result of a drug overdose. The beginning step on the road to recovery is getting help with drug or alcohol rehab. Rehab is your best shot at truly […]
How to Help An Addict Who Doesn’t Want Help: Yes, There’s Still Hope
It’s not a secret, millions are suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, 23.5 million people in the U.S. are also in recovery from addiction, today. If your loved one is impacted by some type of substance addiction, its vital that you focus on their recovery potential. This is especially important because many […]
How to Tell Your Loved Ones You’re Battling a Drug Addiction
Do you struggle with addiction? Are you ready to take the steps you need to give up your drug of choice? If so, you need to start by telling your family members and loved ones that you have a problem. It’s natural to feel unsure of how to deal with managing addiction and family relationships. […]